Legal notice

This site is the property of EARL SCHARSCH, a company with a capital of 158 242 00 €, registered with the Saverne trade and companies register under the number D 381 994 946, having its registered head office at 12 rue de l'Eglise, 67120 WOLXHEIM - France.

Joseph SCHARSCH, in his capacity as Manager, is the site editor. This site respects the provisions of the law of January 6, 1978 relating to data storage on computer and data protection.

The general structure, text and animated or non-animated images that make up this website are the property of EARL SCHARSCH. In the absence of our prior written agreement, any reproduction, in part or in full of this site is strictly forbidden. Any representation or reproduction, regardless of the means or methods used, constitutes an infringement of copyright punishable under the terms of articles L.335-2 and following of French intellectual property rights law (Code de la propriété intellectuelle). The brands and logos reproduced on this site are protected by law.

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